In Person Worship:
Worship in person Sundays at 11 am @ 770 East End Road. Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of the month, followed by a potluck. Call the church office at (907) 235-8528 for the latest schedule of children's programs and music rehearsals or to receive the weekly newsletter. All are welcome here!
Online Worship:
The 11 am Sunday worship service is livestreamed on Facebook. Click here for our church Facebook page. Click here to watch worship videos any time on YouTube. Say hello and put your joys and concerns in the comments. Please "like" the video on Facebook or "thumbs up" and subscribe on YouTube!
Women of Valor: Courage, Faith, Justice
January 26: Woman of Valor: Reclaiming the Proverbs 31 Woman
February 2: Shiphrah and Puah: Defying Oppression
February 9: Rizpah: Weeping for Justice
February 16: Hannah: Praying with Power
February 23: The Woman with the Alabaster Jar: Outpouring of Devotion
March 2: Phoebe & Priscilla: Leading with Faith
This series celebrates the lives of lesser-known women in the Bible whose stories reflect courage, faith, and justice. Through these stories, we will reflect on what it means for us, as a community of faith today, to live with courage, resist injustice, empower women, and embrace our role in God’s liberating work in the world. Whether we are mourners, leaders, or midwives—each of us has a part to play in God’s ongoing work of transformation. These women teach us that God’s justice is often advanced through those the world deems weak, powerless, or insignificant. In fact, God’s strength is made perfect in their resilience, their faith, and their love for the oppressed.

August 4 - September 1, 2024
The beautiful, biblical law of first fruits is that they belong to God. That they are gathered in joy and gratitude. That they are given freely and joyfully, as an expression of God’s plenty. And that they are shared by the community.
Using the fig tree, we will explore biblical stories and teaching, both hopeful and challenging, to better understand the abundance of God and God’s desire that we share in it together. As we reach for hope and take action on the climate crisis, we choose to learn from and through the fig tree. Come with us. There is fruitfulness for all.
A series by the United Methodist Creation Justice Movement Worship Team. Learn more about UMC Creation Justice HERE.

How does a weary world rejoice: An Advent Series in Luke's Gospel
As Advent comes again to a weary world, we ask, “How does a weary world rejoice?” This year, we will follow the stories in the opening chapters of Luke’s Gospel. As we hold space for our weariness and our joy, we will seek a “thrill of hope” in our hurting world. This Advent, may we find many ways to rejoice.
Click here to worship live on Facebook.
Click here to worship any time on Youtube.
December 3: Advent 1 | HOPE: We acknowledge our weariness
December 10: Advent 2 | PEACE: We find joy in connections
December 17: Advent 3 | JOY: We allow ourselves to be amazed
December 21: The Longest Night: A worship service for the weary
December 24: Advent 4 | LOVE: We sing stories of hope
December 24: Christmas Eve: We make room
December 31: Epiphany: We root ourselves in ritual
January 7: Baptism of the Lord: We trust our belovedness

KINDRED: remembering the past, celebrating the present, envisioning the future
This is the Season of All Saints, when we honor all our beloved saints who have gone before and are now part of the great cloud of witnesses.
October 15: Remembrance, or The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
October 22: Root and Branch
October 29: Untold Stories
November 5: Sour Grapes - plus communion and potluck!
November 12: Chosen Family
November 19: Thankful
November 26: Gather Us In

September 10 - October 8, 2023: Come to the Table!
In this series, we will hear the call to dine with Jesus — an invitation that means much more than a simple eating experience. It never was simply about eating with Jesus. The table was the place where he fed people, and also challenged them to acts of hospitality that reflect God’s way. When we say “yes” to the place at Christ’s table, we accept a way of life that embraces God’s definition of love, peace, grace, and joy. Come to the table!
September 10: Come to the Table of Hospitality - communion and potluck
September 17: Come to the Table of Love
September 24: Come to the Table of Peace - lay lead Sunday
October 1: Come to the Table of Grace - lay lead Sunday
October 8: Come to the Table of Joy - World Communion Sunday - communion and potluck

July 23-August 27, 2023: Faithful Followers | minor characters, major impact
Everyone is called by God to serve in special and unique ways throughout life. Whatever your age or stage, you can be a faithful follower. This series we'll learn about some of the smaller characters in the Bible who played a big part in the story of God.
July 23: In Our Midst - Faithful Followers who have influenced us
July 30: Hagar - a minor part in the story of Abram and Sarai, a major character in her own right
August 6: Jochebed (and Miriam) - two women instrumental in the life of Moses
August 13: The Boy with the Fish - little kids can make a big difference
August 20: Judas; no, not that one - same name but very different story.
August 27: Agur, son of Jakeh - surprising vulnerability leads to great wisdom

July 11-July 16: Walking the Way | there's nothing ordinary about ordinary time
Christians were originally called the people of the Way. On our journey of faith, we follow the path of Jesus. Each of us our called to walk his path and share our unique gifts. Join us in person or online as we explore Walking the Way.

Observe the season of Lent with Homer UMC. All services will be both in person and online. Questions are a part of life and faith. This year, we are SEEKING.
Click here to worship live on Facebook.
Click here to worship any time on Youtube.
ASH WEDNESDAY - February 22, 2023
seeking: Is this the fast that I choose?
Isaiah 58:1-12
Is this the fast that I choose? As we begin our series, we must examine if our actions match what we profess. As we practice seeking this Lent, what kind of fast will you choose? How will you live your faith? How will you live the questions of your faith?
THE FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT - February 26, 2023
seeking: Who will you listen to?
Matthew 4:1-11 | Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7
Seeking the fruit of the garden, Adam and Eve allow the snake’s manipulative voice to become louder than God’s voice. In the wilderness, Jesus defies the deception of the tempter by listening intuitively—to God, to his inner moral compass, to the teachings of his faith. And so, who will you listen to? What sources do you seek for news, information, and media? Whose voices—and what messages—take up too much space in your head? Within the onslaught of messaging we receive, we are invited to choose carefully.
seeking: How do we begin again?
John 3:1-17 | Genesis 12:1-4a
Nicodemus comes to Jesus under the veil of night to ask him big faith questions. Jesus invites him to begin again, to learn a new way of knowing and living out his faith. In Genesis, God commands Abram and Sarai to leave everything—their home, their family, their land—to seek the land of Canaan and begin again. Like Nicodemus, what are the questions we ask in the dark? Like Abram and Sarai, how do we follow God’s calling to begin again?
seeking: Will you give me a drink?
John 4:5-42 | Exodus 17:1-7
In the heat of midday, Jesus seeks out a Samaritan woman drawing water from a well. His command to her is also a question and an invitation into a new way of life: “Will you give me a drink?” This question creates a dialogue between them in which Jesus sees the woman fully; she leaves the well transformed. In the wilderness, the Israelites essentially ask: “Will you give us a drink, God? Will you take care of us, even now?” This week, we might imagine ourselves at the well or in the wilderness. Are we willing to care for our neighbors, seeking to not just quench thirst, but to find living waters that sustain us all?
seeking: Who sinned?
John 9:1-7 | John 9:8-41
When Jesus and the disciples encounter a blind man along the way, the disciples immediately ask, “Teacher, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" (John 9:2). They ask a really bad question, filled with assumptions and harmful theology. Unfortunately, the crowd continues to interrogate the man and dissect the miracle of his healing. This week, let us pay attention to the questions we ask. What assumptions do we carry? What is our intent? When seeking clarity or understanding, what are better questions we can ask?
seeking: Can these bones live?
John 11:1-45 | Ezekiel 37:1-14
In Ezekiel’s vision, God asks the prophet, “Can these bones live?” Do we believe new life can come after death? Can we find hope when things are bleak? Can we really trust in God’s resurrection? While we look to God to carry us through the valley, God looks to us to embody hope for others. As we prepare to enter Holy Week, we remember how Jesus began his final journey toward resurrection: by returning to Judea after the death of his dear friend, Lazarus. As we walk through the valley of dry bones that leads us to Calvary Hill, let us seek out the hope that will stir in us and sustain us.
PALM / PASSION SUNDAY - April 2, 2023
seeking: Where are you headed?
Matthew 21:1-11
Imagine you are in Jerusalem when Jesus enters on a donkey. Within the chaos and commotion of that scene, where are you and which way will you go? Will you follow Jesus all the way to the cross? Jesus’ willing surrender to his arrest should always catch us off-guard. As dismayed as the disciples, we ask, “Jesus, are you really headed this way, straight to your death?” Many of our weekly questions throughout the season so far have helped us prepare spiritually for Holy Week. Now we examine if our beliefs have changed our behaviors. Has your path changed? In the midst of opposing forces, which way will you go?
MAUNDY THURSDAY - April 6, 2023
seeking: Will you wash my feet?
John 13:1-17, 31b-35
In his final night with his friends and followers, Jesus shows the fullness of his love by removing his robe, kneeling, and washing the disciples’ feet. As he makes his way around the room, Jesus comes to Simon Peter who protests, “Lord, are you going to wash my feet?” Like Peter, we may also question if God loves us and will care for us, even at the brink of death. In these final hours of accompanying Jesus to his grave, can we seek a posture of trust? Can we allow ourselves to be embraced and loved—by our neighbor and by God?
GOOD FRIDAY - April 7, 2023
seeking: Why have you forsaken me?
Matthew 27:27-50
Of all the questions in our series, this one remains the most unanswerable. Jesus’ final lament gives voice to all those who have been forsaken— those who suffer injustice, those who are abandoned, those who are unjustly convicted. Instead of trying to answer this question with logic or theology, we are invited to live it, to sit with it. Sitting with this unsettling question unearths and unveils many more questions: What do we do in the face of unimaginable suffering? Can we sit in the silence of death and trust that God is there? Will we be in solidarity with those who suffer and grieve?
EASTER SUNDAY - April 9, 2023
seeking: Who are you looking for?
John 20:1-18
Jesus, mysteriously appearing to Mary as the gardener, asks her: “Why are you weeping? Who are you looking for?” In the haze of grief, Mary can only see what is right before her—or in this case, what is not before her. It is only when Jesus calls her by name that the veil is lifted and she beholds the resurrected Christ. On this Easter morning, who—or what—are you looking for? Why have you come to the tomb? What kind of Jesus are you looking for? What veils need to be lifted so we can recognize God’s resurrection wherever it occurs?

What does it look like to be Beloved Community? What does the kingdom or kin-dom of God look like here on earth as it is in heaven? As Christians, we are called to be part of God's reconciling work. This series is inspired by the book Be the Bridge: Pursuing God's Heart for Racial Reconciliation by Latasha Morrison.
January 15: Color Brave Not Color Blind
January 22: The Purpose of Lament
January 29: Communal Confession
February 5: The Process of Forgiveness
February 12: Glimpses of the Kingdom
February 19: Beloved Community
Click here to worship live on Facebook.
Click here to worship any time on YouTube.

It is tradition in the United Methodist Church to begin each year with a Covenant Renewal Service centering on the Covenant Prayer inspired by John Wesley:
I am no longer my own, but thine.
Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt.
Put me to doing,
put me to suffering.
Let me be employed for thee or laid aside for thee,
exalted for thee
or brought low for thee.
Let me be full, let me be empty.
Let me have all things,
let me have nothing.
I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal.
And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
thou art mine, and I am thine.
So be it.
And the covenant which I have made on earth,
let it be ratified in heaven.
Click here to worship live on Facebook.
Click here to worship anytime on YouTube.

Advent and Christmas at Homer United Methodist Church with A Sanctified Art
The stories, scriptures, and traditions of the Christmas season have been passed down to us throughout the generations. Many of us enter this season with a swell of memories and emotions as vast as the cultural and religious rituals this holiday holds. Like a tapestry woven throughout time, the Christmas story weaves us in—to remember how God has shown up in the past, to continue the work of collective liberation, to behold the presence of God in flesh and bone.
Our Advent theme is also a call to action: what are we being called to generate or bring forth? What have your ancestors and those who have come before you passed on for you to continue? Considering the many ways we embody, remember, and tell the story of Christ’s birth, which rituals hold the most meaning for you? What about this season will you pass on to the next generation?
From Generation to Generation… reminds us of the ways our lives, histories, actions, and stories are interconnected and woven together. The work of God is always unfolding—in and through us. This Advent, may you remember that you belong—to a story etched into the wrinkles of time, to generations that have come before and will come after, to a love that won’t let you go.
November 27: 1st Sunday of Advent | HOPE: There's Room for Every Story
December 4: 2nd Sunday of Advent | PEACE: God Meets Us in Our Fear
December 11: 3rd Sunday of Advent | JOY: We Can Choose a Better Way
December 18: 4th Sunday of Advent | LOVE: We See God in Each Other
December 21: The Longest Night: Light in the Darkness
December 24: Christmas Eve: We Tell This Story
December 25: Christmas Day: God Dwells with Us
January 1: Epiphany: We Keep Seeking
Click here to worship live on Facebook.
Click here to worship on Youtube.

All peopled are gifted, and all people are gifted differently, but no one is above anyone else because of those gifts. In our guiding scripture, the apostle Paul emphasizes that everyone’s gifts work together for the glory of God because we are all members of one body – the body of Christ.
Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it. And God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers; then deeds of power, then gifts of healing, forms of assistance, forms of leadership, various kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak in tongues? Do all interpret? But strive for the greater gifts. And I will show you a still more excellent way. 1 Corinthians 12:27-31 NRSV
Click here to watch the worship videos on YouTube.

The book of Numbers catalogs the journey of the people and the precious items of the tabernacle as they move from Mt. Sinai, wander through the wilderness, and approach the Promised Land. Organized by two main census lists, the book of Numbers calls us to question who counts, what our material culture says about us, and what we hold holy. This Season of All Saints, we are going to explore the book of Numbers through the series Census: Taking Stock of Life and Faith.
Click here to watch the worship videos on YouTube.
October 2: Who Counts?
October 9: Heirlooms
September 16: Promised Land
October 23: Ancient History
October 30: Saying Goodbye

Jesus lived a life of hospitality, welcoming people to his ministry, his table, his very life. He did this through being authentic and vulnerable with others, seeing people as they truly are, and welcoming their woundedness. When we practice these things, we partner with God to create spaces of healing for ourselves and others. In this sermon series, I'll be joined by Pastor Erin Day as we explore what it means to practice a theology of hospitality.
Click here to watch the worship videos on YouTube.
August 28: I'm Not Fine
September 4: Seeing and Being Seen
September 11: Setting a Spacious Table

Sometimes we make things far too complicated, and that goes for our faith, too. We put too much pressure on ourselves to do and be and go and say and act, when really what we need to do is slow down and simplify. In this new series, we’re going to talk about how we simplify faith.
Now, a simple faith is not the same thing as a simplistic faith. In fact, a simple faith only comes from deeply understanding and applying the teachings of Jesus. In this series, we’re going to look at how we can cut through distractions to get to the heart of the gospel, and then how we can live it out simply, faithfully, and with integrity every day.
Click here to watch worship videos on YouTube.
July 3, 2022: Don't Read the Comments
July 10, 2022: Stay in Line
July 17, 2022: Strike a Balance
July 24, 2022: Walk the Talk
July 31, 2022: Invest Wisely
August 7, 2022: Be Prepared

Juneteenth is the holiday commemorating the day the last enslaved African American people were set free in Texas - two years after the Emancipation Proclamation.
The United Methodist Church is dedicated to dismantling racism. Here are two prayer resources you can use every day:
- Praying for Change: Daily Prayers for Anti-Racism by the United Methodist General Board of Discipleship
- Racial Justice Prayer and Action Challenge by the United Methodist General Commission on Religion and Race
Click HERE for the 6/19 Worship video on YouTube. Due to technical difficulties during filming, this particular Worship Service has poor audio issues, which will hopefully be resolved by next week.

Peace with Justice Sunday is June 12, 2022. We encourage you to save the date and be prepared to celebrate this important Special Sunday. The United Methodist Peace with Justice program supports ministries with those who suffer injustice. While our congregation would be unable to support every justice ministry, our connection with other United Methodist congregations allows us to do so much more than we can do alone. When you give to Peace with Justice, your gifts support ministries of reconciliation. Click here to learn more!
Click HERE for the 6/12 Worship video on YouTube.

In this season of Eastertide, we'll explore the way Christ invites us to new life, new love, new faith, and new hope!
Each week, click here for the Facebook livestream and link to the worship bulletin. Click here for the YouTube channel.
May 1, 2022: Invitation – Introduction
May 8, 2022: Invited to Follow – Worship Service
May 15, 2022: Invited to Love – Guest Pastor Janice Carlton
May 22, 2022: Invited to Peace – guest Pastor Janice Carlton

Our Lenten theme, Full to the Brim, is an invitation—into a radically different Lent, into a full life. It’s an invitation to be authentically who you are, to counter scarcity and injustice at every turn, to pour out even more grace wherever it is needed. And so, this Lent, let us trust—fully—that we belong to God. Let us increase our capacity to receive and give grace. Let us discover the expansive life God dreams for us.
Each week, click here for the Facebook livestream and link to the worship bulletin. Click here for the YouTube channel. Click here to download the Reflective Assessment Tool worksheet.
March 2, 2022: Ash Wednesday – Full to the Brim { With All that You Are
March 6, 2022: Full to the Brim { Even in the Desert
March 13, 2022: Full to the Brim { Under God's Wing
March 20, 2022: Full to the Brim { You Are Worthy
March 27, 2022: Full to the Brim { Prodigal Grace
April 3, 2022: Full to the Brim { Brazen Acts of Beauty
April 10, 2022: Palm Sunday – Full to the Brim { Even the Stones Cry Out
April 14, 2022: Maundy Thursday – Full to the Brim { Take Off Your Shoes
April 15, 2022: Good Friday – Full to the Brim { A Cup of Sorrow
April 17, 2022: Easter Sunday – Full to the Brim { An Expansive Life

In 1807 a group of clergy and plantation owners published a deeply edited version of the Bible for use with enslaved people. This "Slave Bible" was carefully crafted to eliminate any hope of liberation. Even so, they could not keep down the good news of freedom in Christ.
In honor of Black History Month, we'll explore the structure of the Slave Bible and its failure to hide the message of liberation as we examine the way faith is a driving force for freeing oppressed people.
My deepest gratitude to my friend and colleague Rev. Dr. Leroy Barber for his study of and sermons on the Slave Bible which inspired this series and which he gave me permission to pursue.
Each week, click here for the Facebook livestream and link to the worship bulletin. Click here for the YouTube channel. Click here for a comparison chart between the full text of the Bible and the chapters that were contained in the "Slave Bible."
January 30, 2022: CHAINED: The Bible as a Tool of Oppression
February 6, 2022: RETAINED: What They Left In
February 13, 2022: REMOVED: What They Took Out, Part 1
February 20, 2022: REMOVED: What They Took Out, Part 2
February 27, 2022: UNBOUND: Our Charge as Modern Christians

January 16, 2022: Human Relations Special Sunday
Click here for the Facebook livestream. Click here for the YouTube channel.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide.

January 9, 2022: Baptism of Our Lord
Click here for the Facebook livestream. Click here for the YouTube channel.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide.

January 2, 2022: Epiphany
Click here for the Facebook livestream. Click here for the YouTube channel.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide.

December 24, 2021: Christmas Eve
Click here for the Facebook livestream. Click here for the YouTube channel.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide.
December 19, 2021, 5 pm: The Longest Night
Click here for the Facebook livestream. Click here for the YouTube channel.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide.

December 26, 2021: Now What?
Click here for the Facebook livestream. Click here for the YouTube channel.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide.
December 19, 2021: Living Love
Click here for the Facebook livestream. Click here for the YouTube channel.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide.
December 12, 2021: Practicing Mercy
Click here for the Facebook livestream. Click here for the YouTube channel.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide.
December 5, 2021: Praying in Advent
Click here for the Facebook livestream. Click here for the YouTube channel.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide.
November 28, 2021: Practicing Advent
Click here for the Facebook livestream. Click here for the YouTube channel.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide.

November 21, 2021: Blessed
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide.
November 14, 2021: Thankful
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide.
November 7, 2021: Grateful
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide.

October 31, 2021: The Woman at the Well
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide.
October 24, 2021: The Lover
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide.
October 17, 2021: The Levite's Concubine
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide.
October 10, 2021: The Daughter of Jephthah
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide.
October 3, 2021: The Daughters of Zelophehad
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide.

September 26, 2021: A Song of Ascents
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
September 19, 2021: Trust in God
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
September 12, 2021: Let's Be Honest
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
September 5, 2021: Our Shepherd
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
August 29, 2021: Joyful Noise
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
August 22, 2021: Sing a New Song
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!

August 15, 2021: Being Care-Full
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
August 8, 2021: Rest
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
August 1, 2021: Heaven on Earth
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
This week we celebrated the life of Will Files, who showed us how to see glimpses of heaven on earth.
July 11, 2021: In the Beginning
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
July 11, 2021: GREAT & small
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!

July 4, 2021: Annual Conference Reflections
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
June 27, 2021: Unceasing
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
June 20, 2021: Seasons
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!

May 16: Click here to worship with The United Methodist Church of Sitka; Rev. Bennie Grace Nabua, pastor.
May 23: Click here to worship with Aldersgate and Douglas United Methodist Churches in Juneau; Rev. Karen Dammann, pastor.
May 30: Click here to worship with Anchor Park United Methodist Church in Anchorage; Rev. Ken Hagler, pastor.
June 6: Click here to worship with Girdwood Chapel United Methodist Church; Rev. Nico Reijns, pastor.
June 13: Click here to worship with Fairbanks First United Methodist Church; Rev. Bob Jones, pastor.
If you would prefer to worship with one church for the next 5 weeks, click here to join St. John United Methodist Church in Anchorage for either their 9:15 Traditional Worship Service or 11:30 Contemporary Worship Service.

May 9, 2021: Sacred Friendship
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!

This series is a collaboration with other churches around the Alaska Conference with special guest preacher Rev. Carlo Rapanut, our Conference Superintendent.
May 2, 2021: Remain
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
April 25, 2021: Listen
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
April 18, 2021: Look at My Hands and Feet
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!

April 11, 2021: Jesus Walks through Walls
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!

Easter Sunday
April 4, 2021: Again & Again the Sun Rises!
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!

Good Friday
April 2, 2021: Again & Again We Find Ourselves Here
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
Maundy Thursday
April 1, 2021: Again & Again We Are Held Together
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
March 28, 2021: Again & Again We Draw on Courage
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!

March 21, 2021: Again & Again We Are Reformed
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
March 14, 2021: Again & Again God Loves First
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
March 7, 2021: Again & Again We Are Shown the Way
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
February 28, 2021: Again & Again We Are Called to Listen
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
February 21, 2021: Again & Again God Meets Us
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
February 17, 2021: Again & Again We're Invited In
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!

February 14, 2021: Love Likewise
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Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
February 7, 2021: How Can We Keep from Singing?
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
January 31, 2021: Constant Healing
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
January 24, 2021: Healing Begins
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
January 17, 2021: Desperate for a Miracle
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!

January 10, 2021: The Epiphany of Jesus
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
January 3, 2021: The Epiphanies of the Magi
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
December 27, 2020: The Epiphanies of Simeon and Anna
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!

December 24, 2020: Christmas Eve
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Newsletter for this week's worship guide!
December 21, 2020: The Longest Night
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
December 20, 2020: Christmas with Vheneka Marimba
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December 20, 2020: Deck the Halls with Love
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December 13, 2020: Deck the Halls with Joy
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
December 6, 2020: Deck the Halls with Peace
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
November 29, 2020: Deck the Halls with Hope
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Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!

November 22, 2020: Laity Sunday
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!

November 15, 2020: The Love of Thousands
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
November 8, 2020: Somebody Else's Wife
Click here for today's video.
Check out the Prepare for Worship newsletter for this week's worship guide!
November 1, 2020: It's Complicated